How To Avoid Getting Your DSLR Camera's Sensor Dirty

How To Avoid Getting Your DSLR Camera’s Sensor Dirty

How To Avoid Getting Your DSLR Camera’s Sensor Dirty

Why Is My DSLR Camera Sensor Dirty
Four ducks at lake Paddington in Washington.

Do not change your DSLR camera’s lens outside when it is windy. Do not use your DSLR camera in areas where dust is flying around in the air, such as a dirt parking lot with a lot traffic. Do not remove the lens of your camera when you have a fan running in the room. Wash your hands prior to handling your DSLR camera. Try to avoid using your DSLR camera on windy days. Dust and moisture can also enter the lens housing. Do not place your camera bag on the sand, dirt, or an area prone to pet hair. I hope my blog post helps keeps your DSLR camera’s sensor clean. lake Paddington, Washington, four mallard ducks close to sunset. Now you know why your DSLR camera sensor is dirty. This is how I avoid getting my DSLR camera sensor dirty.